Self Supported Ministry


Who’s Watching You?


  • Bank accounts are private.
    The checking account set up for the SSM does not have any social security number associated with it. However, the bank may want to check your social security for personal identification only. Every bank should open up an account without having any “DBA” associated with it. Remember, the SSM is not a business in the commercial world.
  • Operate in complete privacy.
     Since the SSM is not incorporated, it is a private, lawful entity that is the “exception” rather than being “exempt” from regulation regarding all entities controlled by the government which includes all 501(c)3 corporations. Therefore, you can now lawfully operate in complete privacy.
  • Not taxable.
    The SSM is not required to file ANY tax return, so your funding and operation are private from government intervention.
  • No ending date for the SSM.
    The SSM does not have a date when it comes to an end. There is no ending date for any reporting because there is nothing to report. So, again totally private from City, State Federal, and IRS intrusion.
    Remove assets from other taxation.
    All gifts (donations), to your SSM are removed from Estate, Gift, and Capital Gains tax exposure, again remove your SSM from IRS intervention.
  • Immune from liability of lawsuits.
     By placing all of your assets into an SSM, attorneys will have a hard time trying to collect any judgments against you. (If they can collect anything at all.) Receive donations or gifts of all kinds of assets.
     Your SSM may accept donations of all kinds of assets. (Real property, stocks, vehicles, boats, planes, clothing, furniture, and money.)
  • Receive funds from deferred gifts.
     Your SSM may receive donations from wills, trusts, life insurance, or any other deferred gift.
  • Receive an income tax deduction.
     All donations made to your SSM from yourself, friends, relatives, clients, patients, and fundraising events are fully deductible from the donor’s taxes as provided by law.
  • Reduce your tax liability.
     By placing your “income” into your SSM, your tax liability will be reduced. This can be done by having your employer make the payroll checks out in the name of the SSM or wire the funds directly to the SSM’s bank account.
  • Reduce your business’s tax liability.
     By making the SSM the lawful owner of most of the stock or ownership in an existing business, your business’s tax liability will decrease.
  • Open bank accounts all over the world.
    There is no need to have an “off-shore” trust or corporation since an SSM is allowed to exist all over the globe. However, one may have to physically open the account in another country and give the bank a local address for your SSM.
  • Gifting to other Countries.
     U.S. Taxpayers cannot deduct gifts to overseas charitable projects unless they do so through another charitable entity such as the Red Cross.
  • Personal compensation for the work you do.
     An SSM is allowed to provide for the payment of anyone who works for it. This can be done by using the “Workers Contract” that is provided in our service. Since FRNs (Federal Reserve Notes) are used as “payment” (exchange), the transaction should not be a taxable event according to United States codes. FRNs are “Obligations of the United States”. “Obligations” are not taxable, unless you or your entity is a corporation or a public organization.
  • Allow your SSM to make the payment for all expenses.
     All expenses that are required for the operation and growth of the SSM are allowed. Yes, you can have the SSM pay for all of your transportation, clothing, food, and shelter. 
  • You are in control.
     Since there is no “trustee” or “office of the president” involved in the SSM, you can be directly involved with all of the legal transactions regarding the SSM.
  • Non-political.
     The SSM is not political in any manner even though it may be “created” by contract somewhere in the united states of America. However, the SSM may write or verbally “report” to others regarding the truth or opinion of any matter going on worldwide.
  • May be funded or supported by other businesses.
     Since the SSM is just that–a SELF-SUPPORTED Ministry–to survive, it
     your supported/financed by activities that make money. This can be done by having some or all of your “supporting business” profits go directly into the account of the SSM. The SSM itself can, and should have activities that support itself. Remember, the SSM is SELF-SUPPORTED!
  • Not regulated by the Government for corporations.
     Remember the Mennonites and Amish? They can build what they want on their property without “code enforcement” from the government. They do not need licenses to operate. They are left alone by the government. The SSM should be operated just like they operate their “work”. If they can do “it”, then the SSM can do “it”.
  • Other considerations
    Perhaps the worst thing for older persons is to have assets.  Many older people have had all of their hard-earned assets levied and had them taken (stolen) by the government, by being admitted to a health care facility.  If one is wealthy, the wealth can be “used up” quite fast and nothing will be left for their heirs.  By placing all of their assets, ahead of time, into an SSM, they can now lawfully state that they do not “own” anything and can now be fully covered by federal and/or state coverage.  If they require anything, the SSM can take care of them.  The SSM can be managed by them until their designated successor takes over.