Self Supported Ministry

Getting Started

Scan QRCode to Get Started

5-7 Day Delivery


SSM without tradeline $4,500 - $5,500w/tradeline
Custom SSM Seal: $45.00
One hr. Consultation: $200
One Commercial Tradeline: Up to 750k


Each SSM is unique. Therefore, this is not copy and paste. Your SSM will be designed according to your exact needs.

Let’s discuss the “process.” first you scan the first code to fill out your information. 

a) Name of your Self Supported Ministry.

b) Names of your Executive and Managing Director [1-2 Managing and 1 Exec Director]

c) Name of who will open your bank account or position you authorize to do so.

d) Address of your SSM.

e) Brief Mission Statement for your Ministry. 

f) Brief description of what type of seal you’d like designed if you chose this additional service.

g) There is a 2-page “onboarding brochure” to assist you with your SSM.

Once we receive your JotForm information, it takes approximately 5-7 business days to complete your package including the source files for your SSM Seal. In approximately One week you will be invited to an SSM “onboarding” Zoom call to discuss the next steps on how to operate your SSM.